Goblin Review
“Goblin,” also known as “Guardian: The Lonely and Great God,” is a South Korean fantasy drama series that air...
The Impossible Heir
In the heart of a sprawling metropolis, renowned for its opulence and excess, lies the prestigious LeClair Estate—a labyrinthine mans...
Wonderful World (2024)
Eun Soo Hyun’s journey from despair to finding purpose in helping others heal from their own pain is a powerful narrative arc....
The Midnight Studio (2024)
“Midnight Photo Studio” tells the story of Seo Ki Joo, a photographer who runs a small photo studio. He is the 7th owner...
O’PENing: Grand Shining Hotel
Set in the opulent backdrop of the Grand Shining Hotel, a luxurious establishment renowned for its grandeur and exclusivity, the stor...
Scarlet Heart Review
“Scarlet Heart” is a South Korean drama series that was first aired in 2016. The show is based on a Chinese novel and fol...
Chicken Nugget (2024)
It tells the strange story of how a beautiful young girl, Choi Min Ah, turns into fried chicken because she happens to enter a myster...
The K2 Review
“The K2” is a South Korean action drama series that aired in 2016. The show revolves around the story of a former soldier...
A Killer Paradox
In the bustling city of New Harmony, a series of gruesome murders rocks the once-peaceful community. Each victim is found with a cryp...
Weightlifting Fairy Review
“Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo” is a South Korean drama series that aired in 2016. It tells the story of a young weight...
Legend of The Blue Sea Review: An Enchanting Tale of Love and Fantasy
Legend of The Blue Sea is a captivating Korean drama series that combines romance, fantasy, and historical elements. With its intrigu...
Descendants of the Sun Review
“Descendants of the Sun” is a South Korean drama series that aired in 2016. The show follows the story of a special force...